

"The Biggest Secret"  David Icke


Then we can talk. 




"Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation".  Michael Tsarion.
Downloadable e-book. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Ann [] 
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 9:12 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Alzheimer cause and cure


Hey Jim ~
You mean these guys?
Rather repugnant but it wouldn't surprise me one bit. Millions of people
disappear every year without a trace. In this regard  Humans may be no
smarter than the seemingly ignorant cows and sheep that are bred and herded
for slaughter. 

.  Personally, I it dosent matter where they come from....I think they are
here somewhere..probably Congress.  Because I have actually seen what is
known as a "Grey" (off list if you want to know more)  I believe "they" are
here and probably closely affialiated with many of the worlds woes.  But
hey...consipiricies are as Daffy would say redikilous...right?     Not only
do I think they are here, high level Canadian govt officials seem to believe
so too and are demanding answers from the US govt especially about Roswell.
Keep in mind, these guys are not conspiracy web bloggers or Trekies, they
are top n! otch, educated, nobel candidates. 

Take a look.
If you can't link directly, cut and paste. Worth reading. 

Sigh. You will never see  little Kati Coorick mentioning such things on Good
Morning America.  <G>


Jim Holmes <> wrote:

Hi Carol Ann,


"Gotta make one wonder where humans really fit in in the food chain"


We are a food source for the Reptoids from Alpha D! raconis, specifically,


They prefer the young, who have less bad taste from drugs, harsh foods,  and


-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Ann [] 
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 11:12 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Alzheimer cause and cure


Jim, so funny that you should mention this.......I had similar thoughts
while reading the posts.  Pigs are among the most intelligent animals humans
ingest as food.  Gotta make one wonder where humans really fit in in the
food chain.  There is always a food chain among the living and I am not so
sure we are at the top as we would like to believe.. 

Jim Holmes <> wrote:

Some say they are so tasty because they have a lot of he Human Genome from
ancient alien genetic experimentation. 


Carol Ann


The Pessimist complains about the Wind; 
The Optimist expects it to change; 
The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world! needs more sailors. 


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