This rock in your path was chosen by a  greater aspect of your being, and
you will grow from it in ways we cannot imagine.  Being incarnate here leads
to possibilities that are well worth this illusory suffering. 

-----Original Message-----
From: starshar [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 9:30 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Degenerative disk disease

From: "Carol Ann" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 10:55 PM

> Hi Sharon,
> Sorry to hear of your news.  It must have come as a shock. If I might, 
> suggest some Rescue Remedy by. Bach. Flower Essences. It will help to keep

> you calm and your wits about you while you decide how to approach the 
> problem. It will not make you sleepy, or disoriented.  Just calm. 
> Nerves, Stress, Tension will only serve to aggravate your situation 
> further.

Thanks, Carol Ann, I never would've thought of Rescue Remedy. I've got an 
ancient batch I mixed up years ago, sitting in the 'frig. Since it's in 
brandy, it's probably still ok. (hopefully)

I'll go and try some! Maybe I can slow down and consider sleep.......


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