I was tested (sniff tests, scratch tests) for
pollens/chemicals, etc., when I was in HS. I reacted
to 75% of them. I received shots each week for three
years, with no improvement. Then a friendly family
doctor (not the one giving the shots) informed me that
the shots had an industry effectiveness average of
15%. 15%! The shots cost my parents over $3,000.

The Pulse test is more accurate (sniff and scratch
tests are worthless for testing foods), and EFT is
more effective in treating them. I am also currently
seeing a practitioner to receive NAET. Very expensive
and long-range. I pay $60 each week for the treatment
(plus $20 gas). I can see this will be easily a
year-long thing. He seems to know what he is doing -
combines NAET with accupuncture and muscle testing,
diet changes, etc.

As usual, the medical thing is to try to get rid of
the symptoms, with no concern or thought of the

I have to tell you, emotional stuff is, at the very
least, a contributor to allergies, if not the primary
initiator, IMO. 

As far as I have been able to discover, there are no
Certified EFT practitioners anywhere near me, or I
would try to meet with them. Sigh, I suppose I could
try the phone consultation thing (several list members
do it).

You should almost expect that whatever is being
injected into your son also contains toxins. It's the
medical way.

Terry Chamberlin

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