In a message dated 3/21/2006 7:49:10 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

I  believe there is an emotional concept to every illness we are disposed to. 
Uncovering what that is, however, is definitly NOT the easiest thing to  do. 
How well I know!

Here's a good technique for discovering the emotional component of any  
illness or physical problem:
Breathe with your mouth open long enough to answer the question put to  
yourself, "what negative emotion am I storing in this ______________.  It  may 
several minutes.  Notice the first thought that comes to your  mind.  I have 
personally witnessed many physical problems and illnesses  disappear when the 
emotional component was released--severe asthma, reproductive  difficulties, 
back pain, numerous headaches, and so forth.  Even if there  is more to the 
problem than repressed emotion, it is always helpful to clear the  emotion.