I hear you there!
So much alternative stuff doesn't seem to pan out it can warp you.

I look at it as a hobby.
The electronic stuff is fascinating, Beck devices, Hulda Clark,
binaural guided meditation machines, cranial electronic stimulation,
Crock device, Lakhovsky devices, Orgon devices, etc.

Then the weird stuff including CS, UT, Raw Food (raw liver is one of
my favorites, just for the gross factor).

It's certainly enough to keep one interested and interesting.

Lots don't seem to work. Some you're not sure of. But I come across
enough that DOES give benefit to make it worthwhile, such as MSM,
DMSO, CS which were instant successes.

Why does a slight tax increase cost you two hundred dollars and a
substantial tax cut saves you thirty cents?

>Yup, but I wish mine would vary on the upside once in a while. I hate 
>being in the slow lane when it seems like everyone else is speeding by. 
>I'm amazed that CS works so well for me. By the way I react to 
>everything else, it oughtn't.
> wrote:
>>As always,
>>Your milage may vary..
>>>All I got from it was diarrhea.

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