In a message dated 4/29/2006 4:16:15 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
I recently have been infected with Poison Ivy. I am spraying with cs/dmso 
mixture in hopes it will be a quick cure. This is the first time I have ever 
it. Is there anything else I should do to speed things along and has anyone 
else had good results using cs for this?
Hi Jeff.  I'm coming in to this conversation late, and you may already have 
all the information you need -- but I didn't see anyone mention a product 
called Zanfel.  This is an OTC product that you can purchase at most any 
It's a soap/salve type treatment that you use to wash the affected area, and 
it neutralizes the irritant in the oil from poison ivy.  It is that oil 
(ushriol) that causes the intense itching.  I have used this product once and 
virtually immediate relief -- but I caught the exposure early.  Don't know if 
will work so quickly on poison ivy that's been working on you for a couple of 
days.  Worth a try though.  It is expensive, though -- seems to me I spent 
thirty-five dollars for a small tube.  My sympathies to you -- a poison ivy 
is miserable.     MA