Mother of Vinegar and Kombucha are Different. may look very similar. Both
are extremely healthy. Mother of vinegar and kombucha have the same bacteria
different yeasts. Mother of vinegar uses predominately an anaerobic (without
oxygen) yeasts and kombucha yeasts are aerobic (with oxygen) yeasts, One
yeasts grows by fission one by budding. Mother of vinegar takes months,
kombucha 1-2 weeks. Mother of vinegar usually over 4% acetic acid with a pH
2.5, Kombucha acetic acid 2% and a pH 3.0 less leaching better tasting.
Different acids and nutrients are formed. Kombucha while being acid pH 3.0
is an alkaline-forming food and will (according to Dr Barefoot) balance
one's pH. You can test the results yourself using pH strips. Usually within
30-60 days. According to German researcher (Guenther Frank) alcohol over 20%
[or Colloidal Silver) will kill the yeasts and bacteria yet kombucha still
produces some amazing health benefits therefore the health benefits are
often attributed to the acids that are produced.

Helps a lot of people especially with fatigue and mobility.

Ed Kasper LAc.
Santa Cruz, CA

 -----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Gulenchin []
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 9:52 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Probiotic Question

  Is there not a way of creating your own mushroom from the mother of apple
cider vinegar? I remember reading about this procedure some time ago but not
sure which list it was on.

  Ed Kasper wrote:

    two of the best non-commercial sites
    Dom's Kefir site

    and the
    Weston A Price Foundation

    Besides the sour kraut and typical fermented foods there's Caspian Sea
Yogurt - which requires no cooking and is smooth and drinkable. Kefir again
no cooking just straining which is a powerhouse and even my 3 and 8 year
olds will ask for it! There's also Kombucha Tea (recommended by Dr Robert
Barefoot/ Calcium Factor) KT is a longer ferment typically 6-8 days and
produces a sparkling apple cider-like tea. How to make kombucha Tea at my

    The best thing is that once you get started its really easily, and cheap
to make your own. And there's a lot of help at the newsgroups. You may even
ask for  gift - as some of the members do gladly give starters away.

    Ed Kasper LAc. Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist
    Acupuncture is a jab well done

      From Ruth Strackbein

        To: (Unknown)
        Subject: CS>Probiotic Question
        Date: Wed, 03 May 2006 03:48:00 +0000

        Could someone be so kind to advise me on a good source of
pro-biotic...their seems to be so much bad press on some of them I don't
know who to trust...thank in advance debbie