It saved the life of a neighbor's prize Quarter horse stud that had septic
arthritis in the "knee" joint.  He had spent 3K on vets and antibiotics when
we started putting the sol in the drinking water.  The leg was saved and the
horse returned to good health.

I also read a report of a horse with Eastern Equine Encephalitis, very
similar to West Nile.  Two 1500 cc doses of 15 ppm CS saved the horse from a
disease said to be untreatable.  

Do not give it to ruminants by mouth; it screws up their symbiotic digestive

-----Original Message-----
From: Pat [] 
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 8:15 AM
To: silver list
Subject: CS>CS for Horses?

I wonder if anyone has used colloidal silver for a
horse.   Years ago, we had two quarter horses.  When
we were at work, the lumber company delivered the
roofing nails for the barn we were having built. 
(nails with big square heads)  They put the boxes
INSIDE the fence.  When we got home, the horses had
been curious and had pawed the nails out of the box
and one had three nails in his hooves.  In spite of
later surgery, he was lame the rest of his life.
Perhaps colloidal silver could have prevented
infection and later arthritis.  That horse would have
drunk it right up if we'd mixed it into a beer 
hehehe.  I still remember him with foam on his lips.  

On the other subject, I just have to tell what I've
learned here at home.  My husband and son are very
intelligent, but they sometimes have to ask for
spellings of simple words when writing.  I think some
people's brains just aren't wired for
the same way mine can't grasp higher math. So, I
overlook other's errors online (and stare in horror at
my own, lol) and just go for their meaning.  


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