> Sorry to be such a questioning person but would
> welcome any suggestions ....

For as long as we don't have a web archive to refer to, asking 
questions is the only way for you to mine the "brain trust" for the 
answers. Keep right on doing it.

Archives are in development, but it's taking me a while. <sigh>

> **Already taking the probiotics but my gastric problems continue too!!!

Well, I take CS frequently and still have GERD. It's not the only thing 
we need to do, is all. <grin>

> **Are you reminding me that the CS is effective when it "happens" to
> encounter the pathogen as opposed to permeating the entire contents of
> the gut? 

Right. Kill tests in culture work well in broth but much less well on 
agar plates. Same goes for in the gut. Most absorption takes place 
through mucous membranes in the mouth, if you swish it a while, and in 
stomach and intestines. Any that makes it to the bowel is almost 
certain to be tied up in the dense matrix of the material there.

It can't kill a germ it can't get to.

> I am hoping it is going to encounter the spirochetes too.
> Since I have been infected a long time, I'm hoping it will meet up with
> the enemy and not just charge through my system and out without any
> effect. Antibiotics - all of them - make me sick.

It'll get into the bloodstream, where it will meet up with the 
spirochetes as they emerge from hiding in your other tissues. We don't 
know enough about how silver is transported in the body to say for sure 
where it will get to and where it won't, but Lyme, as you know, is a 
stubborn and stealthy disease.

Your gastric problems may be related to the antibiotics you've taken in 
the past. To the extent the CS will disrupt your flora, it will be the 

I know some of the folks here have good experience rebuilding their 
flora. I hope we'll hear from them. I don't know much about it yet.

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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