Thanks for your post and underlying experiments, however I remain confused about the roles of: first, botulinum the active bacterium itself, second, the debris from dead bacterial residue and thus the notorious "Herx" effect, and third the toxin excreted by the live bacterium under a 'favorable' i.e. anaerobic non-acidic environment - for instance most conspicuously home canning.

I had accepted the third scenario that only the toxin was a threat, and this opinion was bolstered by the idea that stomach acid would summarily destroy any live botulinae, but that the toxin, if already present in the food, would survive the torments of cooking or canning. Apparently my beliefs, fostered by the dept of agriculture pamphlets on home food preservation, are overly simplistic.

Can CS, either particulate or ionic, deactivate the toxin itself? Or is the toxin relatively short lived? Or does CS block its normal pathways, or does Gatorade facilitate them? Does the opportunity afforded the bacteria to 'bloom' account in part or in whole for variations in response to CS therapy? If so, how does it bloom in the presence of stomach acid? Or does it instead hold out until it enters the gut? Pleomorphism, spore forms??


Take care, Malcolm

At 08:36 PM 6/7/06 -0600, you wrote:

I agree with Marshall's general proposition. About nine years ago we conducted rather detailed evaluations of the effects of EIS type colloidal silver, as an address against bacterial/Viral alimentary presentations. We chose Botulinum as the primary; subject for our principal investigations (botulinum is the most dangerous among all of the types we investigated). Active research revealed that concentrations of CS as low as 3 ppm were effective, but rather large volumes were required for rapid-onset positive results (about 10 ounces initial dosage, followed by another 10 ounces in approximately 20 minutes). Favorable response WAS NOT a direct effect of linear increase of PPM strength; e.g. 10 ppm CS yielded favorable results 4X as rapidly, as did 2 ppm concentrations.......for equivalent volumetric measure. We did not encounter a single case of Jarisch-Herxheimer's reaction from the 60 cases involved among our volunteer, experimental, population. I notice various speculations, from among the immediate previous postings, which speculate on the potential dangers of Herx reactions from possible toxic components among the bacterial debris residue. While such does appear a possibility, actual practice did not produce such an our evaluations. Our staff postulated a number of speculations for the actual circumstance! we experienced.......the most acceptable being that the debris was, actually, less toxic to the victim's alimentary system----than one might initially presume. Additionally, it is speculation, only, as to the magnitude of possible "toxic" debris moving through the epithelial tissue into the circulation system----where serious consequences could occur. Botulism appears to be a very opportunistic reproducer....and time is crucial for it effecting an explosive bloom capable of a terminal insult. Our research tends to add credibility to this assumption, as any CS-based measures instigated, halted continued reproduction in brief time windows (usually in SPECTACULAR FASHION)......sometimes effecting total cramping relief within eight to ten minutes. Interestingly, in those cases where CS was combined with Gatorade, the favorable response was measurably reduced----indicating a consequential degree of chloride combination with some of the ionic component-----possibly. In any case, the solutions containing the higher content of particulate silver were measurably superior in achieving favorable results. EIS colloid has demonstrated to be without EQUAL AS AN EXPERIMENTAL PROTOCOL in addressing all forms of food-related bacterial or viral poisons presenting ANYWHERE in the alimentary least in our experimental researches. Others way have encountered different results. My family members never go out to eat ANYWHERE without carrying a small bottle of 20 ppm Colloidal Silver.....such has saved many of us much misery and eliminated the prospects of serious consequences----over the immediately-past eight or nine years. My apologies for such a lengthy post.....but I hope this information will be favorably considered by interested their personal experimental researches. Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. Eric Harborne Research Foundation. P.s. In the one circumstance where we were able to include a control component (multiple numbers of people presenting simultaneously), among the 7 cases admitted to the emergency room of the local hospital, all but one required hospitalization. Four required retention for more than 5 days. All required multiple "balanced fluid electrolyte" IVs. One required many IVs and 11 days hospital confinement. The 5 cases involving the volunteers who chose to be involved in our experimental protocol yielded: 2 who were completely stabilized within 20 minutes of oral ingestion of 4 ounces of 10 ppm Colloidal Silver; 1 was stabilized and pain-free within 45 minutes of receiving the same protocol; 2 were pain-free, with no nausea symptoms, presenting only traces of bowel looseness.....two hours after receiving the same protocol as the other three.
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Food poisoning
> Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2006 10:17:29 -0400
> Kandee Edge wrote:
> > My mother in law just got food poisoning.  She is
> > having a terrible time with it and cannot take any
> > electrolites, a.k.a. Gatorade.  My question is, if I
> > have 3-5ppm CS, how much should she take.  I was going
> > to give her some in hopes it would help, but wasn't
> > sure of the dosage.  Does anyone have any experience
> > or testimonies with CS and food poisoning?
> >
> With food poisoning, the problem is keeping anything down. Let her sip it
> until she can hold down more, then drink it.  If you catch it early
> enough, and can get a pint or so in her stomach, she should be over it in
> no more than 15 minutes.  I have never had CS NOT completely eliminate
> food poisoning in a matter of minutes when 8 - 16 oz of it is drunk on
> the first signs of the poisoning.
> Marshall
> >
> > Kandee
> >
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