Hi, Marshall,
I actually did what you suggest below, more or less. My original 3 pop up pots of cucumber seeds were transplanted into larger pots, when the true leaves started to show, and from that point watered with tap water. The 'boiled on the stove' water plants are still a bit taller (in the original experiment they sprouted first), but the microwaved water plants and the distilled water plants don't seem to have had any problem with shock. Looking down on the plants, all are the same healthy green, and are growing well, though the one that sprouted first is still ahead of the others in height, and has one more true leaf, which can be seen when one looks "across" the pots, but looking "down" there is not as much difference. As the true leaves open, the size of the true leaves appear very close from pot to pot. It is a tough old world out on the porch compared to being in the house. Basically they are growing as I have learned to expect from the sprouting date (which I did not record, unfortunately, I just recorded that the stove water pot seed sprouted first by 2 or 3 days). I may do the same thing in reverse, and once true leaves appear on the tap water sprouted cucumbers, start watering them with the 3 types of water used in the first set. That would be interesting (to me, anyway).

Marshall Dudley wrote:

One possibility is acclaimation.  If you sprout seeds in microwaved water
they acclaimate to it, and do fine. If you take plants that have been growing
on tap water, then switch to microwaved tap water, it may shock them. By the
same token if you take plants that have sprouted on microwaved water, then
switch them to tap water, that may shock them as well. This is an
explaination and experiment I suggested some time ago to check, but I am not
aware of anyone doing it yet.

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