From: "Tad Winiecki" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 5:44 PM

I wrote about this before but since there are no archives I guess I'll
write it again- the Niacin flush is related to the prescence of histamines
in the body.  Histamines can be released by eating a food or substance you
are allergic to.  Therefore if you are not eating any foods you are
allergic to, you may not experience any flush at all.  I have been able to
take Niacin without flushing if I was careful to avoid know food allergens. A book was written but I can't remember the name about using this action of
Niacin to detect food allergies.  The anti-histamine would therefore keep
you from experiencing the flush by removing the histamines first.

Another way of putting it is by looking at the niacin effect through the lens of Metabolic Balancing. A person who is parasympathetic dominant (nearly always hi histamine levels in this state) will always flush with niacin. If I remember correctly, the late Dr William Kelley wrote about using niacin as one determining factor in deciding if a person had an autonomic nervous system that was unbalanced/stressed to the parasympathetic side. People who are parasympathetic dominant are told never to use niacin, but only the amide form.

Kelley taught that most (if not all) people with allergies were in a parasympathetic imbalance, and these people always need adrenal support as well.

Just some thoughts from the "back burner"


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