Reading Mike MonetÂ’s opinions regarding nanobacteria,
I did my own research. What I found caused me to
conclude differently than Mike. The following sites
have specific information on the topic:

The next site is rather technical, but very
enlightening. "The Th1 (T-helper) inflammatory
response occurs in reaction to the invasion of cells
by extremely tiny bacteria. These parasitic bacteria
are also called pleomorphic (many shapes) or L-form
(Lister) or Cell Wall Deficient (CWD) or cell wall
divergent or nanobacteria." It goes on further to make
the point that, far from being effective, some
antibiotics actually cause CWD bacteria.

The next site states, "Rheumatoid Arthritis and
Multiple Sclerosis--The Cause May Be in the Blood".
Since many folks are having good success fighting MS
with generous amounts of CS, the implications are

"The term stealth pathogens refers to bacteria that
have cell walls that are deficient in shape,
structure, rigidity, and/or layering. This feature
enables such bacteria (CWD, or cell wall deficient) to
easily move DNA between cells and for groups of CWD
bacteria to fuse together and "facilitate genetic
experiments," explains microbiologist Lida Holmes
Mattman, Ph.D., a leading authority in this field.

"Such "genetic experiments" can include many of
today's more baffling autoimmune diseases such as MS
and rheumatoid arthritis, along with other forms of
arthritis, septicemia, meningitis, urinary tract
infections, heart valve infection, eye inflammations,
"and a host of other maladies," says Dr. Mattman.
These organisms are "clandestine, almost
unrecognizable, and omnipresent," says Dr. Mattman.
They are capable of considerable shape-changing and
growth resulting in disease-hence the apt term,
stealth pathogens.

"In fact, the cell shapes produced by a diminished,
discontinuous, or absent cell wall are "almost
endlessly variegated" and work their way into "all
aspects of microbe participation in life." They're
known by various technical names, according to the
degree to which they've lost their cell wall:
spheroplast, protoplast, L-phase, L-forms,
transitionals, and mycoplasma. According to some
physicians, mycoplasma, which are unable to make any
cell wall whatsoever and are highly divergent in type,
may be involved in the initiation of cancer."

The definition/description of 'mycoplasma' would apply
as well to 'nanobacteria'. 

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