I would think that, in these type of cases,  one should not drink a
large slug of CS unless you specifically wanted to affect the intestinal
system directly.  Rather, one might take a tablespoon or an ounce and
swallow after holding it in the mouth for 2 to 5 minutes.  This should
be repeated after a period of time such as 1 hour in order to increase
the amount of time that the CS is having an effect.  Sipping, over a
long enough period of time, should not affect bowel flora.  If one has
loose stools, the CS should have an effect on the bowel flora, good and

In the case of a Herx from CS one should back off on the frequency of
the doses until there less distress and increase again over time.

-----Original Message-----
From: nathan cross [mailto:righton...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 11:55 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Leukemia

my father is under going chemo for cancer now and taking cs how can we
monitor his herx effects what are good daily dosages for cs intake he is
quite weak from the chemo and i dont want to stress his system anymore
with too much cs we are currently using 6ppm that he sips , holds under
his tongue, during the day he might drink 8 oz or more sometimes.
if he drinks too much will it knock out his gut flora and possibly cause
him digestive problems its a hard call because he needs to act now to
help fight the cancer but he is so knocked around that you wonder what
extra complications may be created by a higher cs intake anyone who can
shine a light we would be much appreciative thanks nathan

>Dan Nave wrote:
> > What alternative therapies could be used for a person with Leukemia 
> > who will probably be taking the standard course of chemo?
>I am not aware of any good alternative therapies that work if one takes

>chemo.  Alternative therapies work by strengthing the immune system so 
>the body can fight off the cancer.  Chemo destroys the immune system, 
>which pretty well defeats any alternative protocols before you even
> >
> >
> > I am suggesting, at the very least, to use CS/EIS as a second immune

> > system during this process...
> >
>Actually CS will attack some cancers directly. If it works, it will 
>make the person very sick from the herx, so it needs to be monitored 
>pretty closely.

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