I am cutting and pasting this previous post. I just returned from a short trip 
and noticed there were no takers/responses. Any thoughts on the following:

My loving kids bought me a fancy glass vessel with a nice metal spout for my CS 
drinking.  My clear CS is making small grey/grey-black aggregates in the 
solution and around the metal spout that is inside the container.  The inside 
metal itself is now coated with black (silver oxide?).  I am concerned and 
assuming that this is not a good thing since I am trying for the small particle 
version CS.  And since I believe I have a relatively weak but decent quality 
(do not have meters) I believe I am loosing my desired ions to the clumps. 
Anything to do about this metal reaction?  I like my fancy vessel, but more-so 
my CS and health benefits.

Also, what are the possibilities of leaching undesirable metals and/or 
methyl,ethyl,death compounds from the glass since it is mostly distilled water? 
 I have been storing and dispensing in sun tea jars and that did work fine as 
wine.  But this fancy glass object spiked my interest in leachable undesirable 


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