Is there a book I can get with this information, plus the other 9?  We are 
getting ready to travel
full-time, and I am trying to assemble the best possible medical kit to take 
along.  I'm on my way
to the health store as I finish this for the cayenne to start with (having now 
been convinced that
Tabasco Sauce is only a poor cousin).  I have the DMSO and Tea Tree Oil, and a 
CS maker, and all
the Beck devices, and Bil's MP5K.  I just want to put together everything I 

So, Dan, if you or anybody else has a good reference or two, I'd love it.


--- Dan Nave <> wrote:

> TOP TEN Herb #1)
> The Emergency Herb: Cayenne
> NOTES from Dr. Schulze: I have literally seen this herb bring the dead back 
> to life. In an
> emergency 
> situation, grab this herb FIRST. In fact, you should have a bottle of the 
> tincture or a bag of
> the 
> powder in the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and the glove box of your car. Just 
> like the American 
> Express Ad, "Don't leave home without it!"
> Cayenne can be placed directly on wounds, even where the person is cut to the 
> bone. I have never
> seen cayenne cause infection - not even a drop of pus - when placed directly 
> into wounds. The
> blood 
> loss stops in seconds. I just had a two-inch gash down to my bone on my leg 
> and cayenne stopped
> all 
> bleeding.
> I have seen the following insane warnings in highly-popular herb books 
> written by herbal idiots:
> "CAUTION: cayenne can be irritating to hemorrhoids. It should not be used by 
> people with 
> gastrointestinal problems. Never apply cayenne ointment to broken skin. 
> Prolonged application
> can 
> cause skin irritation. If taken internally, do not exceed recommended dose of 
> 1-3 capsules
> daily. 
> High dosages taken internally can cause gastroenteritis and kidney damage."
> You have just read the words of a moron who has obviously never used cayenne 
> to cure serious 
> diseases, as I have done for 25 years.
> First, cayenne pepper is not irritating to hemorrhoids. It cures them, 
> especially when applied 
> directly in ointment form. [Note from Sam Biser: This is true. I tried it 
> myself and it worked]
> Second, it cures gastrointestinal problems in most people. There are a few 
> people who should be 
> cautious with it, those with a hot constitution, but even these people may 
> need cayenne to heal 
> themselves, regardless of any temporary stomach irritation.
> Third, cayenne is the best healer for broken skin. It may sting, but the 
> wound will heal with
> less 
> or no scarring, and without infection. In fact, failure to apply cayenne to 
> broken skin can
> cause a 
> person to bleed to death due to blood loss. Applying cayenne can stop 
> bleeding in seconds and
> save life.
> I used cayenne when my son was born. When my boy was born, my wife tore a 
> bit. She ripped
> through a 
> vein, and in seconds, had bled a pool about two feet in diameter.
> I squirted 15 to 20 dropperfuls of cayenne tincture allover her vagina and 
> even a few
> dropperfuls 
> into it. She was a bit white, so I gave her a dropperful orally also. The 
> bleeding stopped in
> one 
> second.
> I have even used a turkey baster to squirt cayenne powder in a woman's vagina 
> who was about to
> bleed 
> to death before she could get to a hospital. Her spurting blood went to a 
> tiny trickle in three
> seconds.
> Severe rectal or vaginal bleeding: I have also used cayenne powder for severe 
> rectal bleeding.
> Yes, 
> before you ask me, it is intense. It's painful, but it saves lives. A 
> teaspoonful of cayenne
> pepper 
> in warm water, injected using a rectal syringe, stops the bleeding.
> Then, the herbal moron tells us not to exceed his upper dosage of one to 
> three capsules per day.
> Let 
> me tell you, thousands of my patients saved their lives, and avoided certain 
> heart transplants,
> by 
> using a teaspoon of 150,000 h.u. or more cayenne per hour.
> Brain tumors: I once had a patient who dissolved his brain tumor by using 
> massive doses of
> cayenne 
> pepper. This man was in his 50's and he was diagnosed with a rapidly 
> advancing, malignant brain
> tumor.
> With this tumor, they said that even with surgery, radiation, and 
> chemotherapy, he would only
> have a 
> 5% chance of survival. When he came to me, it was evident that he had no idea 
> what natural
> healing 
> really was and he was not going to make any major changes in his lifestyle.
> He was a big fan of Dr. Christopher and asked if cayenne would help him. He 
> said he liked it,
> and I 
> said, "If that's all you are going to do, then you must take it in large 
> doses," and he agreed. 
> After one and a half months of taking massive doses of cayenne pepper, and 
> not much else, the
> tumor 
> was totally dissolved.
> He used ten teaspoons a day for the first month. I have actually had patients 
> use up to sixteen 
> teaspoons a day. When the doctors discovered that the cancer was gone, they 
> suggested an
> exploratory 
> brain surgery. He told me he replied, "I'll leave my body to science, but not 
> until I'm dead,
> please!"
> Finally, I've used cayenne to cure kidney disorders and get the kidneys going 
> again. It isn't 
> cayenne that's dangerous. These herbal madmen are full of opinions and they 
> write best-sellers
> based 
> on their imaginations on what could happen - and not what does happen in the 
> real world on
> planet Earth.
> These herbal airheads are too busy cashing royalty checks to run a clinic for 
> terminally-ill
> people, 
> as I did.
> Major Benefit: Stops Bleeding (internal or external), Heart Attack, Stroke, 
> or Shock. Dissolves
> clots.
> SCHULZE: I have had at least 20-30 patients over the years who have had a 
> stroke right in my
> waiting 
> room. Once I had an elderly man in my office and was giving him an iridology 
> exam. As I was 
> examining his eyes through a magnifying glass, I saw his blood vessels 
> enlarge, then explode
> right 
> in front of me. Then he fell to the floor with a stroke.
> I gave him a mouthful of cayenne tincture, and he walked home. I have seen 
> many patients, in the
> midst of a stroke, come out of it right away, by immediately giving them 
> cayenne pepper.
> BISER: How much?
> SCHULZE: A heaping tablespoonful in a glass of warm water, or ten dropperfuls 
> of tincture. This
> is 
> also the same treatment and dosage for someone having a heart attack.
> Cayenne, when used in higher doses and with strong enough cayenne, is most 
> effective for heart
> and 
> blood circulation problems, and for angina pectoris, palpitations, and 
> cardiac arrhythmias.
> It's a miracle for congestive heart failure. It is a specific for anyone who 
> has any type of 
> circulatory problems, such as high or low blood pressure, elevated 
> cholesterol, triglycerides
> and 
> fats, even varicose veins.
> Important Note: When in doubt as to what herb to use, alternate Cayenne and 
> Lobelia with
> one-half 
> hour in between, if possible.
> Minor Benefit: Reviving, Fainting, Dizziness, Weakness, Confusion
> Emergency Internal Dosage for Tincture: 1-10 Dropperfuls. Heart attacks:  
> start at 5
> dropperfuls. 
> Begin with 2 dropperfuls if the person is unconscious, then add more as 
> response begins. (A 
> dropperful is approx. 30 drops.)  One man was stone-cold and slate blue from 
> lack of oxygen due
> to a 
> heart attack, and I used 12 dropperfuls to revive him.
> For hemorrhage after childbirth, squirt 15-20 dropperfuls directly into the 
> vagina. The bleeding
> will stop in seconds.
> I have used cayenne tincture on newborn babies to save their lives when they 
> were going into 
> respiratory failure. I used several drops of strong cayenne tincture diluted 
> half and half with 
> water right on their tongues.
> Emergency Internal Dosage for Powder:
> One heaping tablespoon in a glass of warm water.  With one woman who had 
> severe congestive heart
> failure, I put her on one teaspoon of super-hot cayenne powder every hour.
> Emergency Internal Dosage for Tincture: Use tincture liberally on a wound to 
> stop bleeding. The 
> tincture is best for flushing a wound and the alcohol is a disinfectant, but 
> the powder works
> also. 
> Just pack it in.
> Compress Over The Chest For Healing Damaged Hearts: There are several things 
> you can do right
> over 
> the chest. First, you can place a steering wheel size castor oil poultice 
> right over the center
> of 
> your chest.
> Second, you can make a fomentation of cayenne powder, mustard seed, ginger 
> and slippery elm over
> the 
> chest. Mix with equal parts each and apply. Be careful, because this is 
> pretty fiery, and you
> have 
> to go slow, according I to the strength of the person's pilot light.
> Into two quarts of water, you would put a couple of heaping tablespoons of 
> cayenne pepper, and a
> couple of heaping tablespoons of fresh, grated ginger. That will do the trick.
> If you add mustard, you need the French and English mustard seed, which is 
> much stronger. All
> these 
> go into the pores, warms, burns, and brings blood; it moves the blood, 
> especially if you have 
> congestive heart failure, or cardiomyopathy, in which the heart muscle is 
> rotting. You do this
> once 
> or twice a day, depending on the severity of your condition.
> I've had people who had 80 to 90% artery closure, and this was from their 
> doctors. Using these 
> fomentations (towels soaked in warm or hot tea and placed on the area), and 
> with cayenne
> internally, 
> you can reverse the blockages, if you are willing to do the work.
> Internal MAINTENANCE Dose for Tincture: Start with 5 drops in water or juice 
> 3 times daily; Go
> up to 
> as many dropperfuls as you like.
> Internal MAINTENANCE Dose for Powder: Star with 1/8 teaspoon 3 times daily, 
> and go up if needed
> to 
> 12-16 teaspoons per day.
> 2nd Choice for circulatory stimulant: Ginger root. Latin Name: Zingiber 
> officinallis. Part to
> use: 
> fresh root is best. Get from grocery store. Dr. Schulze's Special Cayenne 
> Blend Formula:
> Habanero 
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