While not a direct response to your question, I thought I would share
this about my experience with homozon and oxygen therapies.
I used it before I got pregnant with my first child and off and on when
I was nursing, with great results if I recall. I didn't particularly
care for the chalk like consistency. I drink lugols and herbal tinctures
that taste way worse but are much more tolerable then homozon. If I
recall the homozon gave me alot more energy, more oxygenation, and I
used it prepregnancy with the fasting and liver and parasite cleanses
(as per hulda clark) that I was doing.  
This is the product I have at the above link, not sure where I purchased
it from then. I ended up buying an ozone generator and oxygen tank from
Dr. Pressman on his monthly payment plan 6 yrs ago and found the
ozonated water much yummier and effective then the homozon (keeps you
regular and full of energy), plus I could also do rectal insuffilation
which I did over a year ago- and passed an absolutely enormous parasite.
My ND said it was probably mucus..um, no, I saved it in a jar of
alcohol, if I recall it was about 18" long. Both rectal insuffilation
with ozone as well as hydrogen peroxide enemas resulted in the same
thing- releasing large parasites (4 in total if I recall over a 4-5 yr
period) . I have also been doing other cleanses and therapies, finding a
rife doctor-getting rid of lyme, giardia, endolymax nana, hpv and a
couple other nasties, having amalgams removed etc., using rife doctor to
get rid of heavy metals.  I feel like a new person quite literally! I
thought the other day, wow I haven't felt like this since I was 20. I
have to say having the energy and desire to race around with my 2 kids
under the age of 5  is magical. Here's hoping it will continue to
-----Original Message-----
From: craehow...@juno.com [mailto:craehow...@juno.com] 
Sent: October 1, 2006 12:11 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Need Homozon Info
I can not locate Donna Crow's email address and need to order more
Homozon....  can anyone help?
Also...  would like to know how Homozon has worked with other people.
I've been on it for about two weeks and have two bottle prepared 1-Lemon
Juice 2-Homozon throughout the days I consum these two bottles...
sometimes I feel that I filling up with air and will burst  I've had
long time constipation problems and the VA diagnosed me with a lazy
colon and perscribed antibiotics (which I did not take)...   just want
to see how the Homozon has helped others.

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