Dear Marshall,
Your comment reveals a challenging perspective. If one is interested in a scholarly, fascinating, commentary on the entire spectrum of the causes and effects of this
problem.....I suggest they obtain a copy of Elmer Pendell's work,
entitled, "Why Civilizations Self-Destruct" .    While Mr. Pendell's
work is far from "politically-correct",  he outlines an absolutely
fascinating logic-chain addressing  how the Civilizing  Force in human
culture  predates the actual Civilization the actual
falling of the Civilization Proper lags behind the actual decay of the
Civilizing  Force.  He offers compelling , and disturbing, conclusions
as to the mechanics of the birth of the Civilizing Force, the bases of
the actual rise of a civilization, and the unfailing "causes".......of
why they fail.  This book, single-handedly did, cause me to revise my
previously-held conclusions as to the principal basis for the fall of
the Roman Empire.  Mr. Pendell's utterences cost him his position of
tenured professor of an Alabama University......but his logic is very
difficult to defeat.  I read this book many years ago and am still
disturbed by it.....simply because I have been unable to adequately respond to his case.. In any case, it was a fascinating, challenging read and one I believe you will find "most interesting"!
Sincerely,  Brooks.
Marshall Dudley wrote:

Carol Ann wrote:

Linda, interesting, Thanks.   After thinking about the situation you
mention re women birthing children with multiple fathers.....seems to
becoming prevalent in the USA , not so much in other countries.  This
may have something to do with social stigmatism associated with
adultery, unwed women and strict religious beliefs in many 3rd world
countries such as India and Africa.
I think much of it has to do with economics.  In the US, those who make
their own way are finding that they simply do not have enough money
left over to raise 2 or more children after the taxes levied on them. Those who are on the public dole find that their income increases with
more children, so the government is basically replacing a hard working
society that pays the bills with one that does not work and becomes a
money sink.  I can see nothing but disaster waiting for such a setup
when those who work can no longer support such a scheme.


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[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]