Carol Ann wrote:

>>The one caveat I see would be what the person engaging in UT ingests.  For 
>>instance, if they are heavy drug users, legal or otherwise,  or eaters of 
>>primarily useless dead chemically laden foods<<

Thank you for your comment, Carol Ann.

Of course, Respected Carol Ann, when we talk of the re-intake of urine, we talk 
sense. A person using heavy medical drugs should be well informed abiut the 
momentarily impurity of his urine. Point is that many doctors (mine, a good guy 
though, included) resent the use of urine. Addicts should be very careful .. 
then again, where is the addict who's interested in (his own) health? 
Ex-addicts can benefit greatly from the Golden Water.

Generally, in our practice we carefully suggest Urine Therapy to non (medicine) 
users, prepared for laughter and ignorant expressions. And we give ample advice 
and explanation about what urine really is, and what it can do.

Recently we have started from the take it - or leave point of view. Everybody 
is free in his/her own choice, right?

As to "eaters of primarily useless dead chemically laden foods" comes in the 
same sense of common sense. We do not need any doctors to tell us that we 
generally 'are what we eat'. 

The Dutch cancer investigator Dr. Moerman worked from this idea, as a basic 
principle, when he, un-orthodox in his approach, cured his patients, even from 
even 5th degree (terminal) cancer during the sixties of the past century. The 
result was that he was done away with, his license stopped, and his practice 
forbidden. Why? Cuz the INTERESTS of the Cobalt machinery in the hospitals 
could be at stake if his ideas would shoot root, see? 

Yet Moerman died at a very respectable age (in his 90ties, and fully alive and 
aware), when, after having concluded his approach of cancer-and-food, he was 
investigating the connection between bad, evil thought-patterns and cancer. A 
very interesting view, which to my knowledge, alas! has not been copied by too 
many of his colleagues, who prefer the devastating (read expensive, $$$ 
generating) approach with chemo and radio therapies, and do NOT look at the 
causes of the illness, which may well be prolonged bad thought, even the worse 
in combination with the unworthy foods you rightfully mentioned. 

Take care, and:

Behold that turtle!
