Someone once told me "The BEST is the enemy of the GOOD."
I would elaborate and say that the BEST is the enemy of the Possible,
the Practical, the Useful, et cetera.
BEST is relative, at best.  Each one has characteristics that are useful
and less useful.
Determine how you are going to clean the electrodes, how you want to
hold them, how you are going to get the surface area you desire.  What
shape can you use, what will be the physical stability of the
electrodes, etc.  Sharp edges can be rounded off, wire can be bent into
shapes and forms, sheet can be curved...

From: Peter M. Stellas [] 
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 1:54 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Puzzling & Polarity



This question is to you, and anyone who knows the correct answer. In
your post, you state . ......   "Sheet electrodes are greatly superior

wire as far as we are concerned because of the greatly enhanced area

& we believe that this produces a greater proportion of ICS.    We have 

seen medical reports that ICS is much more deadly to pathogenic 

organisms  than the de-ionized CS.   700 + organisms at last count


 Others have posted that wire is superior, because sheet stock causes
buildup of silver oxide at the sharp edges. Also, I note that most of
the commercially available CS generators, except the silver-gen, are
constructed with wire electrodes. A vendor of an engineered CS generator
argues that sheet stock is the cheap way out that his competition has
chosen. You see that there is much contradiction and confusion here.


Would someone who knows the facts please state them in a definitive way
so that all of us newbies can construct a good generator? Which is
really best?


            Sheet or Wire???? 

