Tel writes:
> Nice commercial, seems to be the only one we ever see?
> We all know there are dozens of CS generators on the
> market, and Silver Puppy is near the bottom for value
> and production. I sent one back !

Sorry, Tel, but I don't begrudge Ken the occasional comment on his own  
product, given as helpful as he is in general and the cooperative 
attitude he shares with the other vendors who are regular participants 
in the group. In this case it was good for him to explain the operating 
modes and timing issues that were confusing to Nancy.  

The Silver List is intended as a non-commercial forum in which vendors 
are asked to relate to the community as individuals, not as 
representatives of their businesses. The list rules require that anyone 
who wants to post something that might be interpreted as self-promotion 
contact me for permission, each time. If anybody starts getting too 
commercial, I normally quietly rein them in via private counseling. 
Over time they learn the limits and gain my ongoing trust and greater 
freedom as a result of their good behavior.

The key to my permitting remarks on their own products is that they are 
not competitive, adversarial, or frequent, and that their contributions 
clearly place the needs of our members above any commercial advantage, 
often, for example, extending to mention of competitive products as 
viable alternatives to their own, so that members may judge for 

We've had outbreaks of Vendor-Warz(tm) in the past, begun by 
individuals who refused to cooperate and insisted on being aggressive 
toward those they saw as competitors. The loss of their potential 
contributions to the group is sad, but to my mind there is more value 
to us in the Ken's, Trem's, Frank's, Marshal's, Duncan's (and others!) 
who remain. And, it is always those people's own choice whether they 
adapt to these expectations of mine or do not.

It is generally best for vendors and customer both to conduct business 
related activities in private. If Ken had been a bit quicker and Nancy 
more patient, her questions may have been answered privately and 
without creating any awkwardness on the list, but there is no harm 
done, in my opinion, and we actually learned something.   

Yes, these standards have a degree of subjectivity to them, though I 
attempt to be as even-handed as I can. That's the nature of the benign 
dictatorship which describes any carefully moderated list or forum. 

I hope that explains my approach to this and that it is generally 
acceptable to you, Tel, and the other members.

Be well,

Mike Devour
Silver List owner

> --- Todd Paddock <> wrote:
> > Thanks Ode,
> > I did pretty much understand, but could have not
> > expressed it nearly as 
> > well.
> > Thanks Todd
> > 
> > 
> > >From: Ode Coyote <>
> > >Reply-To:
> > >To:
> > >Subject: RE: CS>Silver Puppy generator
> > >Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 08:00:59 -0500
> > >
> > >   OK  Biting:
> > >
> > >  The Pups have a number of modes available,
> > accessed by operating two 
> > >switches.
> > Bla Bla Bla... hype hype...and so on.
> Tel Tofflemire
> Dewey, AZ.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <>