Interesting. I wonder if what is happening is that silver iodide is being formed instead of silver chloride when iodized salt is used. Although silver iodide is insoluble, it is a pale yellow instead of an opaque white, so it may not be as easily seen.

Marshall wrote:
Mike Monet insisted (and I found it to be true) that only a pure salt
such as canning salt would show this test.
Table salt wouldn't work for me.
Marching to a different kettle of fish

On 12/21/2006 4:59:07 AM, Jonathan B. Britten
( wrote:
I have never made EIS that has no Tyndall effect.   Since ions
show up even under a laser beam, one way you'd know -- thanks here
Frank Key for the information -- would be to put salt in your container
and watch for clouds of silver chloride forming.

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