Speaking to research points. Botox was the number one nonsurgical cosmetic 
procedure in the United States in 2006. A  1.2 billion dollar gold mine to 
dermatologists last year alone. YET, there have been no studies confirming its 
safety for cosmetic use for more than nine years.  A 1990 statement from the 
National Institutes of Health asserted that the long term effects (longer than 
5 years) of chronic treatment with botulinum toxin remains unknown. 

As millions of   fad conscious people embracing devil may care  attitudes place 
their faith and trust in doctors and industry marketers by continuing to allow 
themselves to be injected with toxins, the FDA remains deaf and mute, and puts 
Colloidial Silver is on their hit list? 

Something is very wrong with this picture.....

Dee  <d...@deetroy.org> wrote:     v\:* {behavior:url (#default#vml);}  v\:* {  
BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml) }      I think you have hit the nail well and 
truly on the head Peter!  The big pharmas would not like ordinary people to 
have the power to heal themselves because it would not benefit *them* at all!  
I personally hardly ever go to the docs and my dog never goes to the vet; all 
because of silver.  Think of the money I'm *not* spending with them, and 
through them, the drug companies.   Dee
 -------Original Message-------
  From: Peter M. Stellas
 Date: 12/20/06 16:55:59
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: RE: CS>Comparing Meso and Sovereign.

 While much more knowledgeable voices can answer this question, I, being
 relative new to this, know that I have silver in my CS because the distilled
 water alone measures 0.3 on the Hanna PWT  but measures 15.00 or so after
 going through the electrolytic process. And, yes, I make sure that the
 silver rods and glass jar are spotlessly clean and rinsed with DW. My CS is
 usually clear, has little Tyndall effect and might taste a little metallic,
 depending on how it was produced. After all the discussion that has taken
 place here in the last few days I am convinced that what we are making at
 home is most adequate for our intended use. If a wealthy dude  would put
 some of his money to serious research on colloidal silver, some of these
 questions would probably get definitively answered once and for all. But
 until such a blessed event, we have to go on the best available evidence.
 Speaking of  big money, I have always wondered why none of these people ever
 fund projects such as CS  research, when the existing evidence and knowledge
 suggest that the whole world could benefit from it. If they are seeking to
 benefit mankind, what better opportunity than in alternative (less
 expensive, more beneficial)  medicine?

Regards, Carol Ann ~      
Reign of The Mayberry Machiavellis ends in 2008.
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