Could be, we have been warning others about that product for years.

Marshall wrote:
There was an agryia victim on another CS list a few months ago who said she got her CS from Water Oz, she also knew of several other people who had the same problem from their CS. technically water oz does not sell CS, they call it minerized water or something like that. I knew when I looked at their prices it was something to beware of, way, way too cheap to be of any value, and sure enough it turns out that it is too good to be true. I wonder if our current victim is one of those who are in the group of Water Oz law suits?
    Hi Argyria Victim:
Finally, your true agenda shows ( locating other sufferers for the attorney's class action suit ). I do wish you the best of luck, I believe the company you are
    trying to sue deserves it.
I know I stated I wouldn't speak for you, but I'm tired of the
    double talk.
The company in question is either ENIVA Corporation or Invive. Sorry, I sometimes get the two companies confused. I've seen Eniva distributors marketing silver at quoted 8,000
    PPM.... Some have even claimed to sell a monoatomic silver.  The
    Eniva bottle I've seen claims to be 275 PPM, but Stephen Quinto
    measured it at 325 PPM, with a PH of just over 5.4.
Envive markets an MSP up to 5,000 PPM. Of course, we've been warning people about products such as these for YEARS. Eniva Corporation has apparently removed their silver product
    their corporate website and member subdomains, so maybe they are
    pulling it off of the market ( finally ).
Both Envive silver and ENIVA silver place users at a very great
    risk for argyria.
Kind Regards, Jason

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