Wow - Bill - you may have helped me more than you know.  I've been having
heart arrythmias (sp?) for years now and the doctors couldn't figure out why
and I gave up.  I almost passed out at my computer about 3 months ago - to
the point I screamed for husband to come catch me before I blacked out (I've
actually had several blacking out spells - which my father's side has had
most of my life.... )
I know - no medical advice, but MSM is good for you anyway... I will try and
report back to the list in a month or so.

Jeannine the Baroness

On 2/7/07, Bill Amos <> wrote:

 MSM has been mentioned frequently on this list, so I thought I would
mention my experience with it.  About 5 years ago I had a problem with my
heart skipping beats occasionally.
A friend got me some MSM, not knowing my problem and suggested a teaspoon
in water or juice daily. One dose and the next day and after that the
heartbeat was normal.
I continued on it for about a year and stopped taking it.  My Doctor had
told me the Medication for this, I couldn't take since it would react with
something I was already on.
I contacted Dr Jacobs and discussed it with him and he said he had never
heard of MSM helping this problem.
Recently the skipping returned and I started on the MSM and two days later
the heartbeat is back to normal. I hope this information might be helpful to
