I have had perhaps 30 colonoscopies over the course of my adult life, about 
half of which were video camera documented. I had familial polyposis (lots of 
benign polyps) and have actually watched numerous biopsies collected from my 
intestinal walls & cauteries of smaller, early-stage polyps. In no case was 
there ever any evidence of anything but shiny, pink, glass-like surfaces 
inside. They actually expand the sections with air as they move along so they 
can get clear camera shots & even with that, it remained perfectly smooth, 
clean & pink. Not saying everyone is like me, but I eat as much or more red 
meat than the next guy & tend to overdo it on the diet (currently about 60 
pounds overweight). Who knows...in my life, the evidence says that not eating 
after 8 pm the night before the procedure and taking a bottle of magnesium 
citrate is enough to create the shiny colon effect...

Your mileage may vary?


-----Original Message-----
From: laquerenci...@sbcglobal.net [mailto:]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 1:31 PM
To: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
Subject: SO>medical question

Someone (Linda maybe?) remarked several months ago that, during a
procedure where she was awake and able to observe, none of the gunk on the
intestinal walls could be seen - the stuff that is often assumed to build
up and adhere in the lower bowel.  I've been wondering lately whether I
missed a discussion about this interesting observation.  Wondering what
people think about it, given all the products and cleansing regimes based
on the idea that everyone has this sort of gunk and needs to get rid of it.


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