I feel kinda bad for dentists in a way.
  They are locked in a program where, unless they decide to shun their peers 
and their educators, must believe that fuoride actually does what the ADA and 
peers say it does.
  Think about this:  I have, for years,  taken for granted that milk is the 
best source for calcium, and a good source of protein.  I've seen all the 
commercials and heard about calcium supplements and the like.  I've grown up in 
a home where plain old grocery store milk was a staple.  And even when that was 
told to me to be bad, I could "buy the organic, cleaner ones"  But when I do 
research on the detractors, I think they may have very valid points that should 
make me reconsider if milk in any form is worth ingesting, even though I love 
the stuff.  It wouldn't that painful for me to give up milk if I had to, or 
thought it might help improve my health.  I actually can take the time out of a 
day and read more about milk anbd decide if I want to continue drinking it.
  But imagine a dentist whose whole education, training, and all his peers are 
similarly told and practice that fluoride is the big deal.  What is his 
motivation to listen to any of his patients?  He is the professional with all 
the training.  He goes every few years to update his education, but only by the 
same types of people who taught him in the first place.  Unless he is actually 
taking an assertive interest in reading about those who are against fluoride, 
and is willing to give it a fresh look, he will never understand someone like 
you who says "I use natural fluroide-free toothpastes."  He may be the 
professional, but they are your teeth.
  You don't know if he serously and deeply looks into the anti-fluoride camp's 
protests.  He should. But you really don't know if he does.  And let's assume 
he did.  And let's assume that he started to think that fluoride was not all 
it's cracked up to be.  What would he have to do, what would he have to change, 
in order to keep practicing like he is now?  Would he make the same money?  
Would some of his patients leave because they too have been snookered into 
thinking that fluoride is all that?  Would his accreditors be asking him 
serious questions or making veiled threats to his licensing?
  The truth is, you cannot put too much trust in any "professional".  You have 
to educate yourself these days, and you have to be your own advocate.  If one 
of them tries to tell you that such and such is good, and you are pretty sure 
it isn't, or are suspicious, you just have to tell them how you feel about it.  
If they can't deal with your opinion or the facts you present, you just have to 
move along.
  -Ken Bagwell

Pat <pattycake29...@yahoo.com> wrote:
  Carlos said, " By the way, has anyone noticed that dental caries problems 
have not gotten any better since the beginning of the fluor craze,"

Last week the dentist asked what kind of toothpaste I'd been using because I 
have a sore place on the upper gum that has been there for 3 months. I told him 
various natural ones with no fluoride. He about went wild, asking where I read 
that fluoride is not good for teeth. He said things are put out there on the 
internet for many reasons and gave me a big lecture. He and the hygienist said 
that teeth won't re-mineralize without fluoride and that if I hoped to keep 
mine for the rest of my life, that I needed fluoride toothpaste. He did agree 
that there might be too much ingested from the water in some places. He said 
that years ago most people my age (late 50's) didn't have their teeth anymore. 
He said some might accuse dentists of using the fluoride treatments as a money 
making scheme, but that can't be true since it cuts down on the fillings 
necessary. This dentist is a smart man in his 50's who has dedicated his life 
to keeping his patient's teeth in good
condition. How could he be totally wrong? Is he wrong?


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