Thanks M, that makes so much sense. Our body is the best Dr we have if we 
listen to it, and oh yes, it will tell you whats going on....

Marshall Dudley <> wrote:
  David Pike wrote:
> Herx? Im ingnorant, sorry.

Herxheimer reaction. The body's reaction to the dead pathogens 
breaking down. Usually flu like symptoms, but for a chronically ill 
person, it can be life threatening if too much of an antibiotic is taken 
at once. I would start with a teaspoon, and if it does not make you 
sick, double it next time. If you get sick when taking a dosage, 
continue with that dosage until you no longer get sick, then double it 
again, until your target dosage is reached.

> So start at 4 tbls 3x aday and build up to 10 tbls 3x aday(1 pint) to 
> 20 tbls 3x a day(1 quart)??? 
> Thanks M...David
> */Marshall Dudley /* wrote:
> David Pike wrote:
> > Is there a % of people who get it?
> From what? If you are talking about taking silver salts such as
> silver
> nitrate, then some are more immune to it than others. Plus they
> generally need to be exposed to sunlight during the time that the
> salts
> are in the blood.
> > Are there ways to prevent it?
> Don't take silver salts.
> > Im new to all this and will start taking CS as soon as my
> machine gets
> > here and I dont want to be "smurffed"!.
> Colloidal silver does not cause argyria, in fact it is somewhat of a
> preventative since it provides nucleation sites for any silver
> compounds
> to plate out on that are not in the skin. EIS, what most of the
> people
> here make, CAN cause some bluing of the fingernail moons if taken in
> high dosages over a long period of time, but he mechanism is
> different
> than that which affects the skin.
> > I dont know what protocol to start with. I have hepC type 1A with a
> > viral load over 5 million. Any suggestions?
> Start low, to minimize the herx, then build up to a pint to a quart a
> day of 5 to 10 pm EIS if you are of average weight (120 to 240
> pounds).
> Marshall
> >
> > Thanks! Sincerely David Pike
> >
> >
> > David T. Pike
> >
> >
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