
That is why when I joined this list originally back in 1998, I took the time
to cut and paste the articles I wanted to save to a directory on my computer
and appropriately named so I could find them later.
FYI (to Mike Devour) I probably have some of the archives - manually
archived still until this day.
I have been through about 3 - 4 computers since then - and still I have the
data as I back up often... and
NO I don't have time to search !! Sorry, plus I didn't keep everything, but
I did at one time when I was on just once a week digest forms...

Moral of the story - cut and paste - and keep your own archives. ....

Have a safe weekend everyone.


On 4/6/07, Jonathan B. Britten <> wrote:

This kind of posting is the reason we really need archives again

I archive messages from this list, and have dozens of very useful
references.  This is one of them.  I lack the expertise to verify the
claims, but I know the poster is a serious, long-term participant, so I
am inclined to believe the information is correct.   Therefore, it's
regrettable that newcomers to the list may never see Marshall's many
useful postings.

Alas. . .

On Friday, Apr 6, 2007, at 23:54 Asia/Tokyo, Marshall Dudley wrote:

> *How does H2O2 affect EIS*
> When H2O2 is added to EIS (one or two drops per glass of EIS), it will
> be noted that there is an immediate clearing effect. The Tyndall (what
> you see if you shine a laser pointer though the liquid) will become
> very faint as well. If the ppm of the EIS is sufficiently high (25 to
> 30 ppm) a white cloudy precipitate may form as well.

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