This is interesting.

Maybe what  they use to remove the salt is what does not agree with me.

The GSL smelled fine when I went through there once, then bad another time- time of the year may have something to do with it.

Getting fresh ocean water also has some problems, since many cities, most, I think, run the city sewers into the ocean, and as the beach towns get bigger, there is more of it around. At least in the US they are required to treat the sewage first- I don't think they do that south of the border. But finding a spot that has good fresh ocean water is the idea.

The man who used sea water as a blood plasma substitute in the Great War (ww1) took a boat out in the ocean for a ways to get beyond the inhabited area, out into the main currents, where the water was fresher. They used the fresh sea water when they ran out of blood supplies, and it worked fine- they were able to save many lives that way. He had some system for his "sea plasma", and I think there is a Canadian company using his system for bottling it today.


On Apr 13, 2007, at 3:26 PM, Shiona Phillips wrote:

sol wrote:

I thought the GSL was quite polluted from agricultural run off, perhaps from mine run off (Kennecott copper, et al) and so forth. Anyone know? I don't think I'd drink anything from it. And if you've ever been there it smells like sewage, yuck. Is the concentrace product treated in any way to remove pollutants?

This is what they say on their website:

"We test our ponds regularly for a broad spectrum of contaminants, including tests during every major harvest period. Contaminant tests include organic and petroleum chemicals, agricultural chemicals and pesticides, and heavy metals. Heavy metals testing also provides some data on additional trace elements."


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