On 2016-01-06 16:08, Will Senn wrote:

Thanks for the information. Responses inline.

On 1/6/16 8:44 AM, Johnny Billquist wrote:
There is no way to software wise reset the paper tape from the OS. The
paper tape is a physical thing. I real life, you would need to
actually take the paper tape and "mount" it in the reader, and set the
reader online. And after that, the tape can be read by software.

I get it... now :), thanks.

I would hope/assume that you can reset the device from the simh prompt, though. Since that would be the equivalent of physically setting up a new paper tape on real hardware.

As for transferring files to and from your RSTS/E system, you do know
of KERMIT, right? Telnet into the RSTS/E system, start a kermit server
there, switch back to your local kermit, and then send/receive files
to your hearts content.

Ha! Let's just say that I used KERMIT once back in the early 90's and
have never used it since. I seem to recall something called zmodem that
was easier to use (at least for the year my wife was in grad school and
I had to connect to the internet through my DEC Rainbow 100 running DOS
3.10b and a super fast 300 baud modem to the university's VMS system).
But then again, it was all ftp and browsers the year after that (and a
486 with 56K modem, Windows 95, and trumpet tcp I think). I may be old
enough for vague recollections of bbses and such, but experientially,
I'm solidly post tcp/ip, post-Mosaic, and post www. Everything old is
new to me!

When you say, start a kermit server, I don't think there is one already
on the system. I have to get it on the system somehow first. If there's
a tape or disk image available that RSTS can use, then it's just a
matter of installing and running it. I say just, I'm still getting up to
speed on installing and running programs in RSTS. I'll be working on it...

Saw that you started to figure this out later. :-)

Other options could be using a disk with the files on it, setting up
tapes, but also, if simh supports it, possibly using the virtual DOS
device, that other emulators have, as well as using DECnet.

Does the virtual DOS device work in linux/mac?

Does the DOS device exist in simh would be the first question...

As for "using" DECnet... hmm, I'm working on getting DECnet working, the
install and configuration of sim seem to be reasonable. I just don't
know what to do with it once it's running. This is my refrain, I'm
working on it :). The list of items on my "To Understand" list far
outnumber the "Understood" list. My unfounded belief is that DECnet is
quite different from modern networking and that it doesn't have a
toolset that I'm familiar with - no ping, no ssh, no telnet, not even
rcp or rsh and such so if I get it running. What might a copy from host
to sim look like? copy HOST:FILE SY:FILE or something similar?

Yes, if you have DECnet up and running, you can access files pretty straight forward from RSTS/E. I don't know if RSTS/E supports giving hostnames in the file name at the command prompt. It might be that you need to run a special program to access files on remote machines.

But at least in VMS and RSX (using DCL), you can type COPY HOST::FILE LOCALFILE

If you have some RSX, RT-11 or VMS system nearby, you can also use
TCP/IP on those systems, and then transfer using one of the above
suggested methods to just get the files over to RSTS/E.
I only have simh systems, no real systems. I have RT-11, but I don't
think it has TCP/IP. I'll be working on it...

TCP/IP for RT-11 exists. Search the internet...


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: b...@softjar.se             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
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