
The formatting issues have been corrected. Thanks for pointing out the problem and for being patient as I corrected it. One of these days, I'm going to need a better blog site than blogspot. The formatting of technical code and non-syntax-highlighted code in particular is painful with their software.

I was careful, but I may have inadvertently introduced new issues. Let me know if you see anything worrisome.


On 1/20/16 3:29 PM, Richard wrote:
In article <>,
     Will Senn <> writes:

Please take a look and as always, I look forward to hearing your
comments, suggestions, and critiques.
"Below is the exact text of the SUM.MAC file. [...]"

The formatting looks all whacked on that file.  I'm used to seeing the
; comment introducer lines up in something like column 32 or 40 but
this appears all over the place.

I don't know if that's how your original source file is formatted or
if it's the way blogspot formatted your text.

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