Rich Alderson wrote:
> Cory Smelosky wrote:
>> Rich Alderson wrote:
>>> I'm currently working on getting networking going on WAITS.  I have
>>> a console-only system running
>> Can I get a disk/tape image? ;)
> The last version of the file system, which lived on 3 RP07 disks,
> allocated things in blocks of 9 sectors, giving 1K of data + 200 words
> of "retrieval data" per block (repeated through every block of a
> file).  The issue is that only 3 systems ran WAITS: SU-AI at SAIL, a
> KL-10 system attached to the S-1 project at Lawrence Livermore Labs,
> and a Foonly F2 at CCRMA (the Center for Computer Research in Music
> and Acoustics, at Stanford).  Because of the way the system grew,
> there was never a need for a utility that would build a file system
> from scratch on an initialized disk (like CHECKD in TOPS-20 or the
> ONCE code in Tops-10, or even NSALV in ITS), so no one ever wrote one.

How about making raw disk images?  Wouldn't it be possible to convert
those to something that can run in emulators?
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