Ok, I already have a tool to convert old "noextend" basic+ to the newer
"extend" format.

It is 'b1filter.cc' in the src directory of

git clone http://github.com/khandy21yo/btran.git

it handles the end-of-line stuff as well as the '&' for print.  There are
some things it doesn't handle, like missing semi-colons in PRINT statements.

There are some of the '101 basic ganmes' in the 'examples' directory, as
well as a 'unbac' which might be useful for some.

On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 6:58 PM, khandy21yo <khandy2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Rsts basic+ has two modes. Extend and noextend,
> Noextend is the original mode, where 'line continues with a linseed and
> ends with a return. The & character works as a shortcut for print.
> Statements were separated with a colon :
> Extend mode was changed things around. It was a later addition. 'line
> continues used the &, statement separator was the /, and shortcuts were
> gone.
> Put a line at the front of the code like '1 noextend and they may work
> fine as is.
> Sent from my Galaxy Tab® A
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Clem Cole <cl...@ccc.com>
> Date: 1/25/18 6:15 PM (GMT-07:00)
> To: Johnny Billquist <b...@softjar.se>
> Cc: Simh <simh@trailing-edge.com>
> Subject: Re: [Simh] 101 Basic Games for RSTS/E (was Re: PDP11 on Simh for
> public access)
> On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 7:23 PM, Johnny Billquist <b...@softjar.se> wrote:
>>  I thought Dave Ahl didn't come from that environment.
> I'm pretty sure Ahl was in Education System's group, which I thought at
> one point was in MRO (Marlboro).    Small-systems was in the Mill.  MRO was
> 36-bit land.   So he would have had access to the 10s, but I note you're
> right there had been many 8s in the Education stream.
> That said, few HSs could even afford them.  Folks in HS's  (like my father
> who was teaching Math in a HS outside of Philadelphia during that time
> period) were most likely running on remote timesharing systems via dial-up
> lines - with GE(Honywell)/Mark-IV being the giant in that business (my own
> entry in the computers with him in '67 was on the Mark-II and Mark-III).
> DEC's customers that were trying to get into that business were mostly
> supported by PDP-10s, not small systems.
> RSTS Basic is a late entry, the language support for it, originally came
> from the compiler group which again was originally PDP-10 based (also
> remember the PDP-11 BLISS compiler needed a 10 to run it).
> I can not look in my own archives from the time, my only PDP-10
> documentation I have left from the early 70s, is the white monitor 'phone
> book.'  I do have later (circa '78) PDP-10/20 docs but that would have be
> after the book described was published.
> Clem
> ᐧ
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