RSTS/E (starting with V6B, that is) recognizes devices based on their CSR 
address, fixed or float.  It doesn't care about vector rules (except for the 
card reader); instead, it probes the device to find out.  So you need to make 
sure a device is assigned the proper CSR address by the rules and then RSTS 
will know it.  You can confirm by doing "hardware list".

In the example shown, you can see that indeed RSTS recognized the additional DL 

However.... Prior to V9 or thereabouts (I'd have to search a bit to be more 
precise), RSTS/E device support including terminal interface support was set at 
Sysgen.  You could omit controllers that aren't in the build and those would be 
disabled, but if you include devices not mentioned in the Sysgen they would be 
silently ignored by RSTS.  Note that INIT (which is what does the hardware 
display) knows about all supported devices; the fact that a particular RSTS 
monitor doesn't include the support doesn't bother it.

So the fact that added terminal lines don't work suggests that they weren't in 
the sysgen.  If there is a config.mac somewhere on the system that might be the 
one from the sysgen and would tell you what's supported.  Also, sufficiently 
new RSTS systems have a DCL command "show device" which says what devices the 
monitor knows about.


> On Dec 9, 2019, at 5:29 AM, Johnny Billquist <> wrote:
> In RSTS/E, you have DZ11 lines, but they are configured for a CSR of 160100 
> and 160110, and vectors are 400 and 410. I bet that does not match what simh 
> thinks...
>  Johnny
> On 2019-12-09 11:25, Trevor Warwick wrote:
>> I'm using "PDP-11 simulator V4.0-0 Current", and getting the same results on 
>> Win10 and Linux.
>> I'm booting the full RSTS V7.0-07 disk, built by by Chuck Cranor. This boots 
>> fine, and I can log in on the simulated console. However, I can't persuade 
>> it to recognise any additional terminals. If I use:
>> set dli enable
>> set dli lines=8
>> attach dli 10001
>> Then I get a telnet server appearing on port 10001, which prints "Connected 
>> to the PDP-11 simulator DLI device, line 0" when I boot the RSTS system 
>> disk. However, there's no response to any input once RSTS is up and running. 
>>  I've also tried using a DZ11
>> set dz lines=8
>> attach dz 10002
>> and in that case I don't even get the "Connected...." line from simh. RSTS 
>> can apparently see the hardware though:
>> RSTS V7.0-07 llama (DL0)
>> Option: HA
>>   HARDWR suboption? LI
>>   Name  Address Vector  Comments
>>   TT:    177560   060
>>   RK:    177400   220   RK05F units: none
>>   RL:    174400   160   Units: 0(RL01) 1(RL01) 2(RL01) 3(RL01)
>>   RM:    177440   210   Units: 0(RK06) 1(RK06) 2(RK06) 3(RK06) 4(RK06)
>>                                5(RK06) 6(RK06) 7(RK06)
>>   RR:    176700   254   BAE=+050, Units: 0(RM03) 1(RM03) 2(RM03)
>>                                3(RM03) 4(RM03) 5(RM03) 6(RM03) 7(RM03)
>>   TM:    172520   224
>>   PR0:   177550   070
>>   PP0:   177554   074
>>   LP0:   177514   200
>>   RX0:   177170   264
>>   KL0:   176500   300
>>   KL1:   176510   310
>>   KL2:   176520   320
>>   KL3:   176530   330
>>   KL4:   176540   340
>>   KL5:   176550   350
>>   KL6:   176560   360
>>   KL7:   176570   370
>>   DZ0:   160100   400
>>   DZ1:   160110   410
>>   KW11L  177546   100
>>   SR     177570
>>   DR     177570
>>   Hertz = 60.
>>   Other: FPU, SL, 22-Bit Addressing, Cache w/address, System ID = 4660
>> If I boot an RSX-11M disk, then additional terminal interfaces seem to work 
>> fine, so the problem seems specific to RSTS.   I saw references in the list 
>> archive to other pre-built systems on <> 
>> < <>> but that doesn't seem to be 
>> available at the moment, so I can't try another build right now.
>> Any clues on what I'm missing ?
>> Thanks,
>> Trevor
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> Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
>                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
> email: <>             ||  Reading 
> murder books
> pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
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