If you are booting the default monitor (Sysgen.sil) then Rsts will
only recognize the console terminal until you SYSGEN in the DZ11.
The Simulator will connect correctly but until you have a monitor
with the DZ11 support, the monitor will not respond to devices it
doesn't know exist (yet).  The HARDWARE LIST option is running
from INIT.SYS (it checks everything and will see all devices).

Pull a copy of the V7.0 pre-gen kit and see if you get the same
results (the pre-gen kits are all genned for 1 DZ11).  That would
be a quick diagnostic to check if it is the wrong .sil.


On Mon, 9 Dec 2019, Trevor Warwick wrote:

I'm using "PDP-11 simulator V4.0-0 Current", and getting the same results on 
Win10 and Linux.

I'm booting the full RSTS V7.0-07 disk, built by by Chuck Cranor. This boots 
fine, and I can log in on the simulated console. However, I can't persuade it 
to recognise
any additional terminals. If I use:

set dli enable
set dli lines=8
attach dli 10001

Then I get a telnet server appearing on port 10001, which prints "Connected to the 
PDP-11 simulator DLI device, line 0" when I boot the RSTS system disk. However,
there's no response to any input once RSTS is up and running.  I've also tried 
using a DZ11

set dz lines=8
attach dz 10002

and in that case I don't even get the "Connected...." line from simh. RSTS can 
apparently see the hardware though:

RSTS V7.0-07 llama (DL0)

Option: HA

  HARDWR suboption? LI

  Name  Address Vector  Comments
  TT:    177560   060
  RK:    177400   220   RK05F units: none
  RL:    174400   160   Units: 0(RL01) 1(RL01) 2(RL01) 3(RL01)
  RM:    177440   210   Units: 0(RK06) 1(RK06) 2(RK06) 3(RK06) 4(RK06)
                               5(RK06) 6(RK06) 7(RK06)
  RR:    176700   254   BAE=+050, Units: 0(RM03) 1(RM03) 2(RM03)
                               3(RM03) 4(RM03) 5(RM03) 6(RM03) 7(RM03)
  TM:    172520   224
  PR0:   177550   070
  PP0:   177554   074
  LP0:   177514   200
  RX0:   177170   264
  KL0:   176500   300
  KL1:   176510   310
  KL2:   176520   320
  KL3:   176530   330
  KL4:   176540   340
  KL5:   176550   350
  KL6:   176560   360
  KL7:   176570   370
  DZ0:   160100   400
  DZ1:   160110   410

  KW11L  177546   100
  SR     177570
  DR     177570

  Hertz = 60.

  Other: FPU, SL, 22-Bit Addressing, Cache w/address, System ID = 4660

If I boot an RSX-11M disk, then additional terminal interfaces seem to work 
fine, so the problem seems specific to RSTS.   I saw references in the list 
archive to other
pre-built systems on www.rsts.org but that doesn't seem to be available at the 
moment, so I can't try another build right now.

Any clues on what I'm missing ?  


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