>>> Another change concerns the 'continue' parameter of rules -- it now 
>>> accepts GoTo <label> for its value. Also, goto labels can be set up with 
>>> the 'label' keyword in configuration files.
> Is the label scoped to a single file, or can I put a label in a
> different file and have it continue in the different file?

GoTo works inside one file only, largely for reasons of clarity and 
easier loop detection. In order to go from one rule file to another 
fileset, the Jump rule must be used. Filesets are formed with the 
Options rule, each set contains one or more rule files, and by default 
the rule files are used for matching data that come from Jump rules 
only. This allows for building hierarchical rulesets, e.g.:

main.conf -> sshd.conf -> logins.conf
         |            |--> faults.conf
         |--> httpd.conf
         |--> ntpd.conf,ftpd.conf,cron.conf

In this example, main.conf is the only file that is used for matching 
all input, and it's only task is to classify messages by applying fairly 
simple patterns and redirecting them to appropriate rule sets. There 
could be 5 rule sets here: sshd = {sshd.conf}, httpd = {httpd.conf}, 
sshdlogins = {logins.conf}, sshdfaults={faults.conf}, other = 
{ntpd.conf,ftpd.conf,cron.conf}. Files from each set are used virtually 
in parallel, the application order is determined by the rule file 
loading order (files are added to sets during the configuration load). 
In addition, each Jump rule could direct message to more than one set. 
The latter feature allows one to set up a fixed processing order for 
rule files, if desired (the man page contains a simple example). If Jump 
has no sets given, it essentially becomes a fast conditional goto 
operator for the current rule file.
I think that the current features for setting up rule file hierarchies 
explicitly add a lot of power, make event matching process consume much 
less resources, and make the configurations much more easy to follow. 
Since in the past there was only one layer of rule files, and all these 
files were used for matching all input, some clever tricks had to be 
used for making rule matching more CPU efficient. With the current 
approach one can handle these issues with much less hassle.


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