In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Risto Vaarandi writes:
>does anyone have comments on the new release?
>Since it's the first beta, things are still open now and changes can be 

I am finally reading the man page. So that's progress right?

One thing I can see being useful is to allow $1 variables to be
replaced in the cfset. E.G.

  pattern= (sshd|dhcpd|heartbeat):
  cfset = $1-rules

So in one rule/pattern (which is executed much faster than the three
equivalent rules with their own patterns) I can select any one of
three rulesets very quickly.

Also what happens if the cfset doesn't exist? Does it act as though
cfset wasn't specified (and therefore is an equivalent to a suppress)?
If so does it also report an error?

Also I would suggest renaming the type "Options" and naming it Access,
AssignSet or something instead. Options to me sounds too much like
something you want to use to set the command line options for
SEC. It's just too generic kind of.

Also the 'inputsrc' value doesn't really seem to describe what it's
doing.  Maybe:

  accessibleFrom = jump
  accessibleFrom = all

eeeh not loving that earier, but hopefully you see what I mean. Maybe

  onlyjump = yes  (for inputsrc = jump)

  onlyjump = no   (for inputsrc = all)

The inputsrc is not checking the input source at all (compare to the
contexts associated with input files that really does limit things by
input source). It's setting how that rule set is accessed.

Also is it possible to take an:

  type = option
  joincfset = default-rules
  inputsrc = all

and perform a

  type = jump
  ptype = tvalue
  cfset = default-rules

So I can get:

   A jump C jump default-rules (aka D) -> E

   A -> B -> D (aka default-rules) -> E
where the last is the default processing order based on the order of
the rules files.

Also is it true that I can get:

   A jump C jump default-rules (aka D) -> E

or does the first jump to C and then to D stop D from continuing to
the E rules file?

Also one other thing that may be useful is to assign every
configuration file to it's own unique cfset using the basename of the
file. So if I had the rules files:,,

I can always (regardless of the existance of any option statements):

  type = jump
  pattern = a
  cfset =

  type= jump
  pattern = b
  cfset =

if I need/want to explicitly order them. I could define the option as
well I guess, but it would be a nice convenience to be able to use the
file names themselves as though:

  joincfset =
  inputsrc = all

was specified in, similarly in,

Well guess that's enough drivel from me for now.

                                -- rouilj
John Rouillard
My employers don't acknowledge my existence much less my opinions.

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