As Klaus Rudolph wrote:

> >Build it with MinGW / MSYS so Windows users can use it....

> Like to hear that :-) But I have no windows system running since now
> more than 10 years.

But it's a legitimate request to have at least a flexible enough build
system around to accomplish that kind of task, even if it's not /you/
who's going to do the porting.  (I can fully understand your
sentiments about Windows, I don't want to be plagued by that myself.)

Frankly, I doubt a couple of thrown-in Makefiles would accomodate more
than one or two mainstream Linux distributions, it'll likely already
stumble when compiling on *BSD (so far, I never ran through completely
there, there's always been something missing), let alone MacOS X or

And no, AVR developers are a different class of developers than host
system developers, so the expecation that they might fix the Makefiles
for their respective system won't be met in practical life.

Personally, I'm everything but a big fan of the auto* tools (mainly
due to their upwards compatibility issues), but I still believe
they're something like the least common denominator for a flexible
enough build system.

To avoid users being plagued by the idiosyncrasies of the auto* tools,
just prepare frequent releases which have the auto* tools run on the
user's behalf, so the user only has to run ./configure.  So far, there
have been four releases of simulavrxx within reasonably tight sequence
(less than a year) almost three years ago, and silence ever since.
This doesn't give anyone a feeling the software were being maintained
at all when looking onto the project from outside.

cheers, J"org               .-.-.   --... ...--   -.. .  DL8DTL                        NIC: JW11-RIPE
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)

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