On Thu, 17 Apr 2008, Klaus Rudolph wrote:

> My wish is very simple:
> Let the user use simulavrxx. Is there a problem having Makefile,
> autotools and CMake in parallel and a well documented way how to use them?

Documentaion, what a wonderful idea. (*)

> For "my" Makefile it is simple:
> edit config.h file with needed path info for binutils build directory
> and tcl stuff. type make and have fun! This works without any other
> dependencies.

Soemthing I can read and edit if necessary or useful is a good thing.

> And I want to see tcl in the examples! In addition, python can take
> place, but removing the good working tcl scripts against a not working
> python script make me a bit unhappy. :-)

(*) I considered a sillier comment, but some folks on AVR Freaks
had silliness detectors that didn't work on my signature line.

If it has a GUI, it doesn't need documentation.

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