Hi Markus,

Am 21.02.2016 um 21:06 schrieb Markus Hitter:
Am 21.02.2016 um 20:48 schrieb Thomas K:
But, we haven't this parts in simulavr! Sure, we can implement this
parts, but if nobody use it? (that's the question!) In the moment I
haven't a problem with that code. It's unused and just dead code! But
why maintain this, if not used?

A contradiction? If the part has yet to be implemented, it can't be dead
code. Code either exists or not.

Regarding deprecation of older parts. A part no longer being
purchaseable doesn't mean it's no longer used. Not at all. Existing
devices can get code updates or even fundamental changes. They may need
bugs fixed. Sometimes such a part is kind of a reference for testing
algorithms. Code examples meant for learning can break. Simulation of
old hardware (historians, museums, geeks) becomes impossible.

All these setbacks just to save half a second of compilation time?
Please keep such parts.

I agree 100% with your statements. There has been already dropped so many features in the last years, so that I will beg for keeping the code base a bit more stable. Rewriting existing code without adding new features is not the solution I prefer...


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