Mitchell Porter wrote:

Richard Loosemore:

In fact, if it knew all about its own design (and it would, eventually), it would check to see just how possible it might be for it to accidentally convince itself to disobey its prime directive,

But it doesn't have a prime directive, does it? It has large numbers
of constraints affecting its decisions.

Well .... I have used "prime directive" to mean motives that the motivational system gives to the system. This would initially be the very simple motives of attachment, affection, etc., but would then develop later into more sophisticated versions of the same.

Where the large numbers of constraints come in would be in the mechanics of how the motivational system governs the system.

I would agree absolutely that emergent stability sounds possible, but
(1) one needs to say much more about the necessary and sufficient
conditions (2) one needs to define Friendliness and specialize to that
case. (And I hope you'd agree with these extra points.)

If by (1) you mean we need to know more about the implementation details, then, yes of course! I am trying to establish a general principle to guide research. I can see a number of the details, but not the complete picture yet.

Defining friendliness is more a matter of figuring out what motivational primitives give us what we want. In other words, I agree with you, but the way we produce the definition will not necessarily involve writing down the actual "laws of friendliness" in explicit terms. We need to do experimental and theoretical work to see how the initial motivational seeds control later behavior.

I do apologize for not being able to explain more of what is in my head here: to do that properly I have to set up a lot of background, and be meticulous. I am doing that, but it is more appropriate for a book than an essay on a list. I'm working as fast as I can, given a limited time budget.

Richard Loosemore

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