On Oct 23, 2006, at 7:39 AM, Ben Goertzel wrote:


I think your summary of the situation is in many respects accurate; but, an interesting aspect you don't mention has to do with the disclosure of technical details...

In the case of Novamente, we have sufficient academic credibility and know-how that we could easily publish a raft of journal papers on the details of Novamente's design and preliminary experimentation. With this behind us, it would not be hard for us to get a moderate-sized team of somewhat-prestigious academic AI researchers on board ... and then we could almost surely raise funding from conventional government research funding sources. This process would take a number of years but is a well-understood process and would be very likely to succeed.

I think you need more funds to even do this as I have been waiting sometime for some Amazon pre-orders on books you are putting out to be filled.

The main problem then boils down to the Friendliness issue. Do we really want to put a set of detailed scientific ideas, some validated via software work already, that we believe are capable of dramatically accelerating progress toward AGI, into the public domain? Perhaps it is rational to do so, on the grounds that we will be able to progress more rapidly toward AGI than anyone else with the funding that this disclosure will bring, even if others have exposure to our basic concepts. But I have not reached the point of deciding so, yet....

As I believe that humanity is at very large risk unless massively more intelligence is brought into the environment fairly soon, I find it much more risky if the best AGI ideas are locked up in a relatively few often underfunded heads. I don't believe that you or even Eliezer are more likely to produce a friendly AGI than all other people who may build on more knowledge. Also Friendliness per se is generally not a card I see you lay down as a primary reason.

- samantha

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