Jeff Rose wrote:
Matt Mahoney wrote:
--- Tom McCabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

--- Craig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kurzweil already postulated this a while ago.
Although I don't agree with his conclusions. He says
that if any society were to attain the "singularity"
then their presence would already be felt, and since
we can feel no presence then essentially this proves
that humans are the only sentient life forms in
EXISTENCE. I wholeheartedly disagree with Kurzweil's
reasoning in this matter, since he takes such a
human perspective in regards to imagining an alien
technology. I think his stance is very presumptuous
on his part. For instance he assumes that we haven't
felt their presence merely because there isn't
anything to detect. When in fact he never considered
that human senses or sciences may not be acute
enough to detect them.
Human senses, while crude, are good enough to detect a
wholesale rearrangement of a large majority of the
matter in the solar system.

A technology this advanced could also reprogram your neurons to make you
believe whatever it wanted.  There is no way you could detect this.

Although that might be the case for some technology of the future (protein manipulating nano-bots), it seems that unless you want to create a religion based on these kinds of beliefs you really can't go very far with them. What would the logic of being an advanced race that hides itself from those it finds on other planets anyway?

My fantasy along these lines is that one or more species that safely got past Singularity, or their "mind children" attempted to free evolve intelligent species such as they once were. The reasons were myriad, curiousity, a change to tweak some of the parameters to see if some things could have been different, simply thinking at a deep enough level to be a de facto full simulation about what occurred for their species. They don't show themselves because you can't show yourself to a historical simulation, memory, daydream or two an experiment with strict protocols.
- samantha

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