> From: Tom McCabe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> You're missing the point- obviously this specific
> example isn't going to be completely accurate, because
> an AI doesn't require dead organics. And it's not like
> the animals are actively helping us- they just sit
> there, growing, until we harvest them up. And even if
> all the animals did revolt and refuse to feed us,

Sorry I wasn't clear on my last point - animals in addition to us eating
them, labor for us throughout the world but this is slowly ending as
machines become cheaper.  They may not be chimps bringing us Martini's but
there are numerous examples of other types of creatures laboring.  Yes there
is vegetarianism or even inedia like sungazing :)

> > It doesn't matter how smart the AGI is, it does have
> > to survive in some sort
> > of symbiotic relationship for some period of time
> > before it turns into your
> > AGI-Zilla and takes over the earth in a few seconds
> > and then borgs the rest
> > of the universe within 5 minutes.
> Why? When humans evolved intelligence, we did not
> exist in some sort of "symbiotic relationship" with
> chimps for a few million years. We took technology and

??? Huh?  Ok ok u are right there may have been no symbiotic relationships
with chimps :) heh What is this Planet of the Apes c'mon!  Think!  What goes
on in evolution?  Do you think it just happens?  Everything is interlocked
in all of nature intricately.  For aeons.

> About as realistic as the new humans and the chimps
> "living together and thriving", instead of the humans
> developing technology and confining the chimps to
> parks and zoos.

The chimps again. LOFL!

> What liberties? For who? Sorry, you cannot be free of
> dependence on technology without reverting to the
> Stone Age, and even then you're still not free- you
> are tied to your patch of savanna and can't leave it
> without starving.

I suppose so, even some of the Amish drive tractors and monks have laptops.

> > etc.. this would never happen with the moral and
> > ethical leadership that
> > runs modern organizations though ;/ ...
> A competent- not necessarily Friendly, just competent-
> AGI organization would never cut corners when dealing
> with AGI safety, because they'd know what the
> consequences are. Even if the North Koreans built an
> AGI, they wouldn't cut safety corners for fear of
> killing the Dear Leader.

Yes organizations would never cut corners on nuclear reactors and weaponry.
It would never happen...

> Why would software "try" to do anything, without
> having motivation programmed into it? If you've
> programmed on anything resembling a large project
> before, please realize that 2020 software is going to
> be very much like today's- it doesn't do so much as
> add two and three without a programmer adding in the
> capability specifically.

I've done so many projects small and massive that's why I'm so opinionated
on software :)  2020 - it's getting different faster, I see it, I've seen
it.  Maybe not wildly asymptotic yet ... yet...


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