On May 29, 2007, at 2:25 PM, Richard Loosemore wrote:

Forget the nasty details of the SL4 episode, Samantha. Drop it. Just look at the wider picture. Look at the critiques against Yudkowsky for their content, and then try to imagine that any rational, academic researcher in his right mind would respond to a criticism of his ideas with a document such as this:


I don't think you're helping yourself by posting
links to that.  You should rather hope people
forget it, if you'd like to be taken seriously.

I say this as someone with very little knowledge
and no qualifications in AI or psychology whatsoever,
but I haven't seen any evidence that this post by
Yudkowsky is a "titanic outburst of uncontrollable,
embarrassing rage", to use your (incredibly over-
the-top) phrase.  If this is what passes in your
experience for "uncontrollable... rage", you've
led a very sheltered life to date. :)

Randall Randall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"You don't help someone by looking at their list of options and
 eliminating the one they chose!" -- David Henderson

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