need goals these might be for us alone. Because of our biology.
could be that in AI continuance is more like the growth of a crystal?

Once autonomous it would not have any connection with biological
existence for long.
We might not like the answers it gives us. It might be better to set
it up some distance away from here. In other words if you think it
will get away put it on some distant star.

Pat McKown

On 7/29/07, Matt Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Benjamin Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 7/12/07, Panu Horsmalahti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > It is my understanding that the basic problem in Friendly AI is that it
> is
> > > possible for the AI to interpret the command "help humanity" etc wrong,
> > and
> > > then destroy humanity (what we don't want it to do). The whole problem
> is
> > to
> > > find some way to make it more probable to not destroy us all. It is
> > correct
> > > that a simple sentence can be interpreted to mean something that we
> don't
> > > really mean, even though the interpretation is logical for the AI.
> > >
> >
> > Right ... this is a special case of the problem that, if an AGI is allowed
> > to modify itself substantially (likely necessary if we want its
> intelligence
> > to progressively increase), then each successive self-modification may
> > interpret its original supergoals a little differently from the previous
> > one, so that one has a kind of "supergoal drift"...
> >
> > There are many ways to formalize the above notion.  Here is one way that I
> > have played with...
> >
> > Where X is an AI system, let F[X] denote a probability distribution over
> the
> > space of AI systems, defined as
> >
> > F[X](Y, E) = the probability that X will self-modify itself into Y, given
> > environment E
> >
> > Then, we can iterate F repeatedly from any initial A system X_0, obtaining
> a
> > probability distribution F^n for the distribution over AI systems achieved
> > after n successive self-modifications.
> It seems to me that K(F), the algorithmic complexity of F, is at least K(X,
> Y,
> E).  So there is still the problem that you cannot predict the behavior of
> an
> AGI without more computational power than it takes to build it.
> > What we want is to create X_0 so as to maximize the odds that {an AI
> system
> > chosen randomly from F^n} will be judged by {an AI system chosen randomly
> > from F^(n-1)} as having the right supergoals.  Where the previous sentence
> > is to be interpreted with E equal to our actual universe (a vexing
> > dependency, since we don't know our universe all that well).
> An even harder problem, because now you must add the algorithmic complexity
> of
> a program that decides if X^n is friendly.  This cannot be done by X_n-1
> because K(friendly(X_n)) >= K(X_n, E) and K(X_n) > K(X_n-1).
> Likewise, E has to be a probabilistic approximation, bounded by K(X_n-1).
> > I have suggested a provably correct way to do this in some old articles
> > (which are offline, but I will put them back online), but, it was horribly
> > computationally intractable ... so in reality I have no idea how to
> achieve
> > this sort of thing with provable reliability.  Though intuitively I think
> > Novamente will fit the bill ;-)
> >
> > -- Ben Goertzel
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > So, one wants to find a (supergoal, AI system) combination X_0 so that
> there
> > is a pathway
> >
> > -- starting from X_0 as an initial condition
> > -- where X_i is capable of figuring out how to create X_(i+1)
> > -- where the X_i continually and rapidly increase in intelligence, as i
> > increases
> > -- where for each X_i,
> What I think will happen is that AGI will be developed as an extension of
> evolution.  Currently humans have two mechanisms for recursive self
> improvement: DNA and child rearing (culture).  We can add to this list, e.g.
> genetic engineering and software development.  But one fundamental property
> is
> constant: the improvements are incremental.  We don't genetically engineer
> novel species from scratch.  Rather we take existing genomes and modify
> them.
> Likewise we don't build software from scratch.  Rather, we strive to
> duplicate
> the characteristics of successful systems.  For AGI, we build human-like
> capabilities such as language, vision, and mobility, because we know that
> such
> capabilities are useful in people.  Expressed mathematically, K(X_i | X_i-1)
> is small, regardless of the reproduction mechanism.
> There are today competing efforts to build AGI.  We should expect AGI to
> evolve with the same evolutionary pressures favoring self survival and rapid
> reproduction in a competitive environment, just as it does today.  Evolution
> does not favor friendliness.  Humans will be seen as competitors for limited
> resources.
> -- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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