Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
> Hi, during a chat between two users (alice and bob) using XMPP, alice closes 
> the chat window and bob receives a notification:
>   "alice has ended this chat"
> I wonder if such of features are possible in SIP. I hope this would be done 
> via a MESSAGE with a special Content-Type, something as:

What sort of sip chat session are you assuming?

Lets assume you mean an MSRP session established using SIP.
In that case, there are many possibilities:
- when alice tells her client to end the session,
   it could send a message such as the above within the
   msrp session before closing it.

- when bob's client notices the msrp session closing,
   or the BYE on the sip session, it could generate such
   a message locally.


> ----------
>   Content-Type: chat/notification
>   Content-Length: 13
>   window-closed
> -----------
> Since MESSAGE doesn't establish dialog, no more info about the "chat" could 
> be 
> sent.
> I'd also ask the same in case of MSRP.
> Thanks.
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