Hi, RFC 3903 (PUBLISH method) states that the target AoR for a PUBLISH request 
is the Request URI.

I don't understand it. Theorically, a UA sends a PUBLISH to a presence server, 
and when the presence server receives the PUBLISH it should inspect the From 
instead of the RURI (this is what makes sense for me, even if not correct).

For example, imagine the following case:

  Alice    Proxy    Presence-Server
  PUBLISH --->

  PUBLISH sip:al...@domain SIP/2.0

If the Proxy is not "presence" aware, then it would route back the PUBLISH to 
Alice location. In order to route it to the presence server, the proxy must be 
presence aware and route all the PUBLISH to the presence server.

For me, the following makes more sense:

  Alice    Proxy    Presence-Server
  PUBLISH --->

  PUBLISH sip:presence-ser...@domain SIP/2.0
  From: sip:al...@domain

In this way, the proxy would route the PUBLISH according to *normal* SIP 
routing (based on RURI) wihtout the requeriment of being presence aware.

Perhaps I miss something? Thanks.

Iñaki Baz Castillo <i...@aliax.net>

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