On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 10:45 AM, Iñaki Baz Castillo <i...@aliax.net> wrote:
> 2009/5/19 Marc Petit-Huguenin <petit...@acm.org>:
>> I mean a professional grade SIP stack, not the toy stacks
>> that you can download on the Internet
> Your vision is really "great". It seems that your are proud of SIP
> being so difficult to implement, and perhaps you think that SIP is
> just for big vendors (those who can spent lot of time and money in
> development).
> However you are right: lot of SIP stack available as free software are
> not good enough, you can name them "toys" if you want.

True but there are at least a few good ones. It is not valid to make
blanket statements.

Here are some good ones :

- sofia SIP.
- SipXtapi
- pjsip
- jain-sip (if I say so myself. It did not start out as being very
good but like any open source software, it improved a lot and is now
quite good :-) ).

Probably a few others that I have not mentioned ( sorry for omissions ).

 But let me ask
> you a question: Do you know XMPP protocol? There are hundreds of
> *good* XMPP implementations "available in internet" licensed as free
> software, and most of them interoperate very well with each other.

XMPP is much simpler than SIP and it does much less. When you start
putting in codec renegotiation routing and call transfers and such
into the picture, it starts to look a lot like an XML version of SIP.
SIP is complicated because it can do a LOT.

> So, perhaps "internet people" coding XMPP stuff are better than
> "internet people" coding SIP stuff? Or *perhaps* SIP is more much
> difficult and complex to implement than XMPP? Or perhaps XMPP is a toy
> and doesn't scale well as SIP does? (if so we should tell Google and
> Facebook that they must change their IM protocol ASAP).

XMPP does less with the screwy scenarios.  There, as yet no XMPP
business phone and there is a good reason for that.

Perhaps there will soon be one, given google and facebook is in the
game. Then XMPP will start resembling SIP ( albeit in XML).

Then you can complain about how complex XMPP is.....

This reminds me of a story. Once upon a time there was a protocol
called H323. It was all in binary and the engineers complained about
it. Along came a protocol in SIP that was in text....

> Anyhow it seems you already gave a good response to this problem:
> "I think that there is some lessons to learn from this failure. Don't
> let the IETF design a protocol, there is too much big money influence
> to have a protocol that serves the end-users. Instead design the best
> protocol possible, write some FOSS code for it, give free access to
> servers running it, grow the end-user base and then, and only then, go
> to the IETF to standardize it. The small but powerful academic
> population of the IETF will probably be on your side and the big money
> population will have very little possibility to fuck up the protocol,
> as the IETF is a pragmatic organization."

SIP has been successful. It does not copulate nor can anybody copulate
with it. Those that try to copulate with it should seek a more
fulfilling love life.

M. Ranganathan

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